How Many Treats Should I Give My Dog A Day

How Many Dog Treats Can Your Dog Have Daily?

How Many Dog Treats Can Your Dog Have Daily?

Dog treats are a must-have for dog moms and dads! Treats are a great way to show your dog that they're being well-behaved and it's also a great way to show them how much you love them. Most dogs go crazy over treats, and who doesn't want to make their pup's day? As much as we want to spoil our dogs, it's important to remember that too many treats can lead to obesity and other health problems down the line. Always reward your furry friend with treats in moderation and make sure you're paying attention to what the treats are made of. Healthy dog treats are always the way to go! In this article, we're going to discuss how many treats you should give your dog daily - so keep on reading to learn more!

Types of dog treats

Before we delve into the main question of how many treats you should give your dog daily, let's go over the different types of dog treats. Thankfully, there is such a variety of flavors for your dog to choose from. There is everything from soft dog treats, crunchy dog treats, to treats for aggressive chewers. A lot of pet owners love bone-type treats as it keeps their dog busy for longer. Whereas we love organic dog treats like ours at Lord Jameson! Depending on what your dog enjoys most, there is definitely something on the market for them to go crazy over.

Nutritional content of dog treats

As there are several different types of dog treats that have a wide range of flavors, each one has different nutritional benefits. Unfortunately, there are some brands that have processed, unhealthy treats for dogs - so as we mentioned, it's important to check out what the ingredients are before purchasing. The nutritional content will always vary. Some treats include ingredients that have health benefits - like turmeric. We actually have a flavor called Golden Health that contains turmeric... So, if you're looking for organic, healthy dog treats - look no further!

How many dog treats should you feed your dog?

Moderation is key when discussing how many dog treats should you feed your dog. We recently did a blog about "can you give dog treats every day" - where we took a deeper look into this topic. Click here to check it out! Overall, do it in moderation and keep your dog's size and weight into account. You can always consult with your vet for more advice on what to feed your dog / how much per day!

It's all about calories

Like it is for us humans, calories are important! You want to ensure that you're not feeding your dog too many treats as this will lead to obesity. So, when purchasing new treats and feeding your dog some throughout the day, check the calorie count. There are some brands that have way too many calories per treat - making it an unhealthy snack for your dog. Always aim for unprocessed, all-natural, high-quality foods! Too many unhealthy treats will badly affect your dog's overall health.

Counting calories for dogs & reducing your dog's calorie count

The amount of calories your pet needs per day depends on their size and weight. Consulting with their vet is the best way to find out how many calories per day your dog should have. If you're looking to put your dog on a healthier diet - you can use treats that have a lower calorie count to stay closer to their daily calories. So, make sure to count those calories. Your local vet will also have recommendations for dog treats that are low in calories, too!

Conclusion of How Many Dog Treats Can Your Dog Have Daily?

When choosing the right kind of treats for your dog, it is essential to remember that like dogs, not all treats are created equal. Like human food, some treats are packed full of unhealthy ingredients and have no nutritional value - so aim to stay away from those types.

That's why it's so important for dog owners to take the time to read the labels on all potential treats before making a purchase - advertising can be misleading, and you don't want to end up giving your furry friend something that isn't good for them in the long run. 

Instead, please always try to focus on the treat's nutritional value to ensure that your dog is getting something that is both delicious AND good for them. Keeping your pet happy and healthy is SO important!

At Lord Jameson, we specialize in organic and nutritionally healthy dog treats. Our ingredients are indicated on every product packaging so that dog owners can have complete peace of mind about what they're feeding their furry friends. To see all the different types of treats and flavors we offer, be sure to visit our shop section! We have something for all breeds and sizes!

Thank you so much for reading our blog. We hope we gave you more insight on this topic! Follow us on Instagram @LordJameson to stay up to date with all things Lord Jameson! Please give your pet some extra love from us (and perhaps a treat, too!)