Dog Treat Press | Pet Lifestyle Magazine | Lord Jameson

Dog Treat Press | Pet Lifestyle Magazine | Lord Jameson

Dog Treat Press | Pet Lifestyle Magazine | Lord Jameson

Pet Lifestyle Magazine warns their readers in the Pet Wellness section of their latest issue: "Don't be surprised when your finicky canine friend starts begging for the Lord Jameson Dog Patisserie brand!"

Lord Jameson is honored to be commended for our commitment to providing the "best culinary experience for your beloved dog", especially in the Pet Wellness section as we are extremely passionate about the pet health.

Richard Turcsik of Pet Business Magazine mentions Lord Jameson among other amazing natural dog food brands in his "Snacking Goes Au Naturel" article. Turcsik commends the vegan quality of our unique treats.

We appreciate Pet Business for featuring Lord Jameson, "a relative newcomer to the all-natural dog treat scene", in their issue and bringing forth our devotion to using all natural, plant-based ingredients.

Read the full articles here: